
Sofia, Bulgaria

Sofia, Bulgaria what a beautiful city. Gritty, real, with some really amazing architecture, art and culture. We were only there for two and a half days but what we saw was pretty amazing. Where Plovdiv was the little brother, Sofia is the older brother, fully formed and bustling. Getting around Sofia for the weekend Riding […]


Kapana neighborhood in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Kapana is Plovdiv’s “The Trap”. A five-centuries old neighborhood known for its craftsmen and narrow streets. There were events every weekend and great cafes and restaurants. Can’t speak much to restaurants since we mostly can’t eat at any of them (we are gluten and milk free which makes things difficult) but we have a lot […]


First impressions of Plovdiv, Bulgaria

Plovdiv, Bulgaria is a great town about 2 hours east of Sofia; it’s smaller than Sofia, but has so much amazing culture! I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the Plovdiv State Puppet Theatre. We saw three shows there, ordered our tickets in Bulgarian, and had such a great time. Imagine humans dressed in costumes […]

Bulgaria Kids Learning Travel

The Kids Do a Puppet Show

We thought, why don’t we make our own puppet show after seeing The Queen of Spades; it’s such a fun and complete activity.


Burgas, Bulgaria – a weekend trip to the Black Sea

Our second weekend trip was to Burgas, at least this time we were on the Black Sea, and just a little bit closer to Istanbul.