
Cameron’s School of Martial Arts

Extracurricular activities are super fun!

This year we made a conscious effort to somehow get out into the community (the lack of language barrier helps!)

It was between gymnastics and martial arts – we chose martial arts with Cameron’s School of Martial Arts. What a great experience. Thank you Ali and the team! We had one lesson per week for four weeks and got participation certificates at the end; we were pretty chuffed.

If you’re ever in the area and want to learn and really challenge yourself, I recommend CSMA highly. We found doing it as a family had so many benefits: we had something besides the normal thing to talk about that’s for sure. And shared experience always brings people together.

Can’t say enough good things about this experience, and we were sad to have to leave.

Cameron's School of Martial Arts welcomed us and made us feel special!
Cameron’s School of Martial Arts welcomed us and made us feel special!
Alice and the kids with their certificates, and the CSMA team
Alice and the kids with their certificates, and the CSMA team

Ali said this was the first selfie anyone’s been able to get of CSMA, I’m proud we were there for it! 🙂

The first CSMA selfie
The first CSMA selfie
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Nathaniel Flick