
My Daughter’s Birthday in Kotor

Each of us will have two birthdays while we’re on this trip, and we just celebrated our daughter’s birthday.

Each of us will have two birthdays while we’re on this trip, and we just celebrated our daughter’s birthday.

But first, a game she made like Chutes and Ladders called Elves and Presents, it was pretty darned good!

My daughter made a game like Chutes and Ladders called Elves and Presents
My daughter made a game like Chutes and Ladders called Elves and Presents

I won a few more times than she did, but it’s only the luck of the dice, I promise. 🙂

My daughter's Elves and Presents game, closeup
My daughter’s Elves and Presents game, closeup

We have some things each of us gets on our birthday, the birthday button (Daughter is wearing it here) and the birthday sunglasses none of us wears but they are available anyway. This time we found one shop, one shop, that has wrapping paper. I think we are their best customer as at this point there’s still no Christmas decorations anywhere in town yet.

I can’t believe how fast my daughter is growing up!

Daughter opens pressies!
Daughter opens pressies!

Here she is sizing up the cake, about ready to blow out the candles:

Daughter gets ready to blow out the candles
Daughter gets ready to blow out the candles

Our favourite mall Kamelija has a game room/arcade upstairs with games for .50 Euros each. And you can play games for tickets to earn prizes from the prize wall. We’ve been here three times as of this blog post (18 Dec). Ten days left here and I’m sure we’ll go back at least one more time:

We played games at the Kamelija mall here in Kotor
We played games at the Kamelija mall here in Kotor

Happy Birthday, sweetie!

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Nathaniel Flick