Kids New Zealand Travel

Off to the races

This weekend we saw two different kinds of races, and met a cat. Last week was pretty crazy, reality has set in that we’re in for a harder slog than we thought trying to manage working, schooling the kids, and travelling at the same time (and we’re not even travelling yet!) So Saturday we decided […]

New Zealand Travel

How to choose where to go

Alice and I have been thinking about this trip since early 2015 and when we got started trying to figure out where to go first, we were stumped! If you could go to just one country, where would you go? It’s a tough one. (We are on the Picton ferry right now so I thought […]

New Zealand Travel

How do you get work as a digital nomad?

Alice works for and sometimes I do too. Now, Your Virtual Assistant is a great little company, and Justine’s workforce is all completely digital. They do work on Auckland time, for Auckland clients, but the work can be done anywhere. In fact, she doesn’t have a central office. I rebuilt her website in 2011 […]

New Zealand

Wellington you beauty!

Alice and I had a great time in Wellington yesterday – it was some work and some play, and the blue skies and warm temperatures made us giddy! We stayed at a Quest lodge with free internet, just up the hill from downtown on the Terrace. It’s called that because in certain sections it’s perched […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

Phase 1 Complete!

We made it to the end of phase one. The kids are in Blenheim, we’ve packed up the house, the house inspection has been done, and now just getting to do a little computer work before heading off to dinner (since all we have to eat right now is marshmallows, chocolate and peanut butter). We’ve […]