Scotland Travel

Fun in Edinburgh, Koalas and Pandas oh my!

Hi there, you might be wondering where we have been for three weeks, well, in Edinburgh having a great time but too busy to blog. Excuses, excuses. We are getting good at finding things to do that will give us a good sense of the city. Sure we miss all the night life but oh […]

Kids Learning Scotland

Stirling Castle

This past weekend we made a trip 40 miles north of Glasgow to Stirling Castle, in Stirling, Scotland. Stirling Castle did not disappoint! It has a rich history and has protected access to the Highlands for centuries, and through battles with Britain and changing Scottish ownership it’s seen its share of success and destruction. Check […]

Scotland Travel

We watched the Celtic supporters walk by our apartment

Our apartment is on London Road, coincidentally it’s just down the road from the Celtic Football Club stadium. So we were eating dinner and all of a sudden Alice looks out the window and says, “hey there are a bunch of people walking down the street.” I thought it must be a protest of some […]


Inverness, Dingwall and Avoch and the friendly Scots

We have loved Scotland, hard to believe we’re down to 4 days here till we head off to Glasgow for a month. I’ve found that while the same problems exist here as do anywhere else, what’s different is how happy Scots are about it! And so happy to talk about it and anything else! It […]


We pampered Alice for her birthday!

I wish I could have bought her these chairs for her birthday but then we’d have to buy them seats on the plane! Alice had her birthday 15 days ago, and while I have no photos at all to post, I’ll at least list what the kids and I did for her: Two huge helium […]