

Merow! Look a cat’s hanging out the window ! We saw a cat’s house that is 5 boxes long so the cats can sleep and aren’t strays.Look most of the cat’s are fluffy. Yesterday I saw one cat on the top of a car’s bonnet.THEN i THOUGHT of A title CATS JUMPING OVER RAINBOWS! I […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

Bring on the barfing!

We drove around and around. “I’m bored & hungry,” I whined. “We’re going to Ezi Car Rentals then the airport!” whispered mum. “YAY!” I yelled. 4 hours later we boarded the airplane to fly to the USA. On the 6 hour point I felt groggy (don`t listen, read etc Mrs B-L ) then I barfed. […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

Car Races

SCRREECCHH!!! WE HEARD a noise “What was that “Lennox question “Cars”. I replayed “Yes” dad answered ” LETS GO TO THE CARS!!!!!” When we got to the cars I streaked to the stands. Cars roared across the track . “I can’t hear!!!” I screamed SUDDENLY… There was a car forward roll @ a part of […]