New Zealand Travel

The Shift

It feels like a shift happened on April 2nd.  This was the day the couch went and we had our going away gathering. I was exhausted the next day and just wanted to lie down (which amazingly, I did do), but something happened. A dunno if it was mental or if things really did just […]


Where's Your Dunny on Instagram

Our latest photo (from Instagram): #wydinstagram

Kids New Zealand Travel

The couch

Our couch has been a part of our lives since 2006, and it’s just a couch right? Something easily replaceable. Yeah that’s true, you can walk into a shop and buy a couch (or head to Craiglist/Trademe/Gumtree and buy something pretty quick, but this was OUR couch. Our family was built on that couch. Breastfeeding […]

Kids New Zealand

Baxter and the Garage Sale.

(No, that’s not a band name, two separate events). Following on from last time about the kids giving things up, I thought I’d talk about two memorable events. We had to find a new home for Baxter. Our very cool, very funny and very grumpy rabbit. The kids’ first pet (minus Isabelle the other rabbit […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

Getting Rid of Stuff

Thanks to a suggestion from Allison, I thought I’d talk about ‘stuff’. Getting rid of stuff is pretty tough for adults, but can you imagine what it’s like for kids? I now appreciate the connection to their creations/artwork and the tantrums involved when you try and throw out some random cereal box that’s been painted. […]