New Zealand Travel

The Shift

It feels like a shift happened on April 2nd.  This was the day the couch went and we had our going away gathering. I was exhausted the next day and just wanted to lie down (which amazingly, I did do), but something happened. A dunno if it was mental or if things really did just start coming together, but finally it felt for the first time that things were more manageable and doable and we’re actually doing it. Watch now that I’ve jinxed it and it all falls apart.
Ok, something significant did change though, and that was the fact we put the brakes on doing paid work. We haven’t been working until 12:30am-1am each night and have had time to work on the blog and paperwork (oh god, paperwork is going to kill me), and little fiddly things like police checks (for house sitting) and scanning copious amounts of paperwork so we can have it with us (yay CamScanner app) changing addresses for insane amount of places.
But it really does feel like the list is getting smaller, and things are coming together, I’ve managed to mark off more things than add to the ‘To Do” list of late, and this is even with sick a boy at home. Crazy. There is still massive amount to do and we’ve put off a lot of tasks until we get to Blenheim, but at least our ‘Auckland tasks’ are getting there now.
Departure Sign
I’m getting more flashes of “OMG we’re going to see all this old stuff and hear all these languages and have no idea what we’re doing… so very soon.” I’m now also starting to think “This time in 2 months I’ll be in…” or “Wow for my birthday this year what country am I going to be in?” The other practical thoughts like”Yeah we really need to think about what’s coming after Estonia… really? Estonia? That’s so very cool, we are truly going to be there.”
I’m thinking less about how we are going to pay for it, and more about how amazing this trip is going to be. I feel like I can now start looking at sites like and to see what festivals and events are on while we’re there. I dunno why it’s crazy to think that Muse will be there just a few days after we arrive. It’s not like we’ll be going to see Muse, but hey we might go see an Opera. Who knows.
So yes, it’s starting to get exciting now. Still incredibly stressful but starting to get real. Yay.

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Alice Rae-Flick

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