Kids Spain

My Hair Has Gone MAD!!!

My hair has gone mad I need a hair cut can we please, get one, please!!!

Alpha's Canet de Mar haircut - before

My hair has gone mad I need a hair cut can we please, get one, please!!!

I sat in a comfy chair and heard the hum of the sizers. I felt my hair get lighter with every snip of the sizers, and straighter with every come stroke.

Finally the cutting was finished, now for the final touches, the hair-straghtener annndd done. My hair is neat and tidy not mad and crazy.

By Alpha

Daughter got a sweet haircut in Canet and she looks great
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Alpha Rae-Flick

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2 replies on “My Hair Has Gone MAD!!!”

You look absolutey marvelous! Love the new hair do. Love you tons Gram

Gorgeous! It’s so neat to have straight hair for a little while when it’s normally curly. Enjoy!!

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