Kids Learning Spain Travel

La Sagrada Familia – the little knight on the door

When we went to La Sagrada Familia, the church in Barcelona by Gaudi, I saw on the doors there was a small knight. We didn’t know the name of the knight but he certainly looked crazy!

The knight on the door at Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

We liked the doors at the entrance because they were covered in letters, words in Spanish from the Bible, telling its stories.

Inside the church there were stained glass windows and a very large staircase but it was out of bounds for us.

Stained glass windows at Sagrada Familia Animals in La Sagrada Familia
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Lennox Speedy

One reply on “La Sagrada Familia – the little knight on the door”

What a wonderful knight you found. He’s probably been waiting there for a while hoping someone like you would notice him. Tons of love Gram

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