

Merow! Look a cat’s hanging out the window ! We saw a cat’s house that is 5 boxes long so the cats can sleep and aren’t strays.Look most of the cat’s are fluffy. Yesterday I saw one cat on the top of a car’s bonnet.THEN i THOUGHT of A title CATS JUMPING OVER RAINBOWS! I […]

Kids Latvia Learning Travel

Settling in.

Last night there was a performance art show happening in the courtyard in front of our house. It was amazing. We’ve watched two people on rollerblades wearing morph suits egging and dry humping each other. They weren’t skilled rollerbladers and kept falling over (but being true performers, they worked that into their act).  That was […]

Kids Latvia Learning Travel

The Riga Zoo, A Gallery

On Saturday we all went to the Riga Zoo. It was really wet and cold, but that didn’t stop us! Check out a few snaps below, click on one to open a lightbox/photo gallery. Gallery

Europe Latvia Travel

Walking around Riga, the Riga Tour

On Wednesday We had a walking tour of Riga We had been here for 4 days and we were so ready for a bit of Riga; our neighborhood Angenskalns is rustic, picturesque, and historic, but not heaps to see but houses. However, you take the 21 bus in to town and boom, plenty of history; […]

Countries Europe Kids Latvia Travel

After Estonia we're going to….

A. Hungary B. Belgium C. Greece D. All of the above. Thanks to we have a housesit assignment with a Briard dog called Muze in….. Belgium! We had talked about Greece, we were about to pull the trigger on Hungary, but in a random “How about Belgium?” moment, I looked up housesitting assignments and […]