Countries Europe New Zealand Travel

Shall we talk prices?

I bet you want to know how much we’ve paid on airline tickets and insurance and accommodation right? You know the most frustratingly expensive item isn’t the big ticket stuff, it’s the annoying necessitates – plastic bins! Four 80lt bins from Bunnings – $107. Then I go to The Warehouse a week later and there […]

Countries Europe New Zealand Travel

When we're back

“What are you going to do when you get back?” HaHaHa, that’s a joke question right?! I can barely keep the week straight, let alone to plan that far in advance. I know people are anxious to understand our plans, but we don’t know. All we know so far is that we move out of […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

The Reality

(Warning a bit of a rant ahead.) Following on from what I mentioned last time is the ‘reality’. Reality does kind of suck. It’s fun dreaming about adventures, imagining what it could be like, but when you actually have to do the hard slog to get from dream to reality…. well it’s bloody hard. Mostly […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

There's not much you need to do…

Says the person who has no idea what it’s like to undergo this kind of adventure. There’s a ton of work before we leave the country. I think people assume just because we rent, we don’t have as much to do before we can leave. That is not the case.  In fact, if we owned […]

Kids New Zealand Travel

"How do you start?"

What are we doing? Well, we’re traveling, we’re taking the kids out of school, we’re building the business, and we’re leaving for an extended undetermined amount of time. No more than two years though. It seems, however, that most people think we’ll fall in love with a country and stay there. HaHaHa!! The thought is […]