Belgium Housesitting

Muze and the housesit in Belgium

Belgium is beautiful in the summer time. And like anywhere else the beautiful hot sunny days are broken up by cool, drizzly days. Our housesit in Huldenburg was incredible and we grew to love Muze, our Briard dog.

What can I say about Muze (pronounced, “Mee-you”)? A lot! Fearfully strong, and strong willed but obedient and well trained, she herded us and made it clear when it was play time, and when it was bedtime all we had to say was “Shlepen” (dutch for sleep) and she would trot upstairs and sleep with the kids.

Here’s us on an early morning walk:

Our days started early as she was up with the sun, but this is how we do things anyway.
I felt teary leaving Muze, and we got to know our host Erik through his stories and going out to dinner, and racing around the narrow lanes around the countryside in a car probably much too large for the purpose. So much history it’s hard to comprehend, 200 year old barns and churches, and even a bomb shelter reminds us things haven’t always been this peaceful.

Muze loved to sit with us at the end of the day and grunted and groaned as she sat down, giving in to us not wanting to play 24 hours a day, but also satisfied and happy. We are invited back any time and it was really sweet getting a hug from Erik and getting to know his kids.

My impression of Belgium is friendly people once you get them talking, and too many rules.

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Nathaniel Flick