My hair has gone mad I need a hair cut can we please, get one, please!!!

My hair has gone mad I need a hair cut can we please, get one, please!!!
I went to Stirling castle and got a guided tour. In the great hall the King’s chair had a lion the Queen’s chair shields, Queen Mary did sit in the “lions chair”. There were pockets in the chairs & I thought were for the jewels, toilet or kids toys. We dressed up in “royal clothes”, […]
We found a park in Glasgow Green. They have 4 big slides and a flying fox (that is vveerryy sssllooowww). On the slides we do reindeer, I put my legs over his shoulders and hold his hoody for reins. We go wizzing faster than the speed of light then whoomp we touch down. Let’s do […]
Yesterday Lennox, Mum, Dad and me were driving to Skye, Scotland. And our first stop was at a Loch. The Loch was so clean still and slightly heavy and gooey. We went up the hill a fraction to go toilet, and when I was coming down past a rock I noticed a baby Scottish Adder […]
We went to narva by bus. Narva is on the border of Estonia and Russia. There was a river filled with bugs, germs, bacteria of all sorts separating the two countries. Mum saw an “island” first then I wanted to go there. So we went there the next day to have some fun in our […]