Belgium Estonia Kids Travel

Having a travel agent is amazing!

This will sound like a paid endorsement, it isn’t. It’s heartfelt thanks to Martina and also Gitte.  Thank you! I’ve been very humbled by the help we’ve received on our travels. I’ve briefly mentioned Martina from The Travel Brokers in other posts, but now it’s time to sing her praises. She is our ace in the hole. […]

Latvia Learning Travel

Random Observations

Just a post about random things I’ve noticed while being in Riga. Curly hair is rare. Most women have dead straight, very fine, thin hair. I see a lot of scalps while sitting on the bus. Favourite hair dye is orange. Women dye their hair a lot, and the colour of choice is orange. Bright orange […]

Europe Latvia Learning Travel

Living in each other’s pockets

How has it been living in such close proximity for almost a month? Not as bad as I feared, but not as great as it could be, but we’ll get there. The kids have been awesome considering they have no space. Neither do Nat and I for that matter. In fact the kids have more […]

Kids Latvia Learning Travel

24 days in, how are we doing?

We’re doing extremely well! The kids are doing great with changes, we’re adapting every single day. In every way possible. From shopping (you know all about that) and cooking (two burners, no oven, 2 pots and one tiny fry pan) to catching the bus and tram. You know about the language issue and food issues. […]

Kids Latvia Learning Travel

Settling in.

Last night there was a performance art show happening in the courtyard in front of our house. It was amazing. We’ve watched two people on rollerblades wearing morph suits egging and dry humping each other. They weren’t skilled rollerbladers and kept falling over (but being true performers, they worked that into their act).  That was […]