While we are on this journey Alice and I are charged with teaching the kids. We are provided correspondence school materials and support through Te…
Rejigging and Reviewing
We made it to Blenheim, YAY, and we’ve been here over a week now. It’s gone crazy fast and we’re still insanely busy, but I…
Off to the races
This weekend we saw two different kinds of races, and met a cat. Last week was pretty crazy, reality has set in that we’re in…
How to choose where to go
Alice and I have been thinking about this trip since early 2015 and when we got started trying to figure out where to go first,…
How do you get work as a digital nomad?
Alice works for yourva.co.nz and sometimes I do too. Now, Your Virtual Assistant is a great little company, and Justine’s workforce is all completely digital.…
Wellington you beauty!
Alice and I had a great time in Wellington yesterday – it was some work and some play, and the blue skies and warm temperatures…
We made it to Wellington
We drove straight through and Alice booked our accommodation while we were driving so what teamwork! Huntly was, Huntly – and the drive through Waiuru…
Phase 1 Complete!
We made it to the end of phase one. The kids are in Blenheim, we’ve packed up the house, the house inspection has been done,…
A nod to Tim Ferriss
Tim Ferriss’s Four Hour Work Week helped shape this journey. I read the 4HWW in 2012 (late to the party I know) at Easter while…
The Shift
It feels like a shift happened on April 2nd. This was the day the couch went and we had our going away gathering. I was…