Ah Seville. I wish there was some way I could really express what you mean to me. Oh well, photos will have to do!
One thing that has been very cool is getting lots of Spanish practice in. Most of the time, not all, but the conversation just flows and the other person doesn’t try to help me by speaking English. Some people here just don’t speak English, some do, but it doesn’t matter it’s the communication and the talking that matters. And that’s what I really love about Spain in general.
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Nathaniel Flick
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2 replies on “Me encanta Sevilla – I love Seville part three”
Ah well, you are now in Rome, for a couple of weeks at least, before moving on. And we have not had a postcard from Spain yet! Hope all is well, you are eating okay, and all that antipasto is going down well. There is no change in the family dynamics here, although we went over andhad the day with Aunty Val yesterday for her birthday (19th). Very enjoyable. Mum says thermals work both ways – warm in winter and cool in summer.
Hey Warwick, yes we have been very slack with postcards, need to catch back up now that we’re here in Bucharest. 🙂