Europe Kids Norway Travel

Zombie Babies and the Banana Buffet

“Zombie, wahh waah” Zooooombie. Alpha, let’s play Zombie Babies.”
“No, we’re at a Banana Buffet and we can eat all the banana’s we want.” Say’s Alpha in reply.
That’s at 2am on Friday morning. Yes, 2am! The kids are restless, it’s hot outside and the kids are being very noisy. I’m sure the neighbours hated us. We tried to keep the quiet, but we were crazy tired as well, since we all went to bed about 10pm so only had about 4 hours of sleep.
We’re all over the show with jet lag, no surprise really.
Today was better, the kids woke up at 4am, but I woke up at 3:30am. I read for a bit and then dozed for awhile.
Yesterday was real trial with jet lag, Alpha horribly sick, again. We were so hot, had been outside all day, with little sleep, sent her over the edge. But today she’s woken up much happier. It helped that we all slept a little better since we had a bit of a breeze coming through the house, and we employed sleep masks to combat the light. No black out curtains.
But I was super excited to experience old stuff and just do what we like to do. Which is wandering the streets, getting slightly lost, looking at buildings and people and listening to what’s going on, smelling things and just being here. I did get a little excited to see buildings with plaques casually mentioning that they were build in the 1600’s. You know like it’s a normal day, which it is, to Norwegians.
Then there was even older things like Viking ships built circa 800 AD, and a fortress built in the 1300’s and then medieval art at one of the museums.  I’m pretty excited by all that. It’s what I wanted – to overdose on old stuff.  I haven’t overdosed yet, but it’s only day two.
So today is our last day in Norway, I’m not sure what we’re going to do. I’d like to check out the fortress and also the Munch art museum which isn’t far away from where we’re staying. Then again there is a music event down by the waterfront. So many choices.
Right, it’s 7:40am and we need to see if a market is open as we have no food (apart from raisins we brought with us, thanks Allison for packing those! We’ve eaten a ton of ‘Banana splits’* already.)
* A Banana Split consist of banana, with peanut and raisins on top.

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Alice Rae-Flick

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