Kids New Zealand Travel

The couch

Our couch has been a part of our lives since 2006, and it’s just a couch right? Something easily replaceable. Yeah that’s true, you can walk into a shop and buy a couch (or head to Craiglist/Trademe/Gumtree and buy something pretty quick, but this was OUR couch.
Our family was built on that couch. Breastfeeding newborns, puking newborns, sleeping (or not sleeping) with newborns. Traipsing downstairs in the middle of the night holding a newborn to sit on the couch and feed, pumping milk… jeez a lot to do with boobs and newborns really. But there are other memories on that couch. I had my favourite spot – left-hand corner, Alpha had her end  – right-hand corner, and well, the whole family would pile on that couch.
Couch and kids
We’ve slept on it, made forts out of it, moved it around and around and around the house (it’s nice and light so it’s easy to move). We even made the call to bring it with us when we moved to New Zealand from San Diego  (it was either the couch or two bikes, we chose the couch).
But there is more to it than just the memories made with the couch. The significance of the couch has a lot to do with how bloody long it took us to buy! Nat and I have had MANY iterations of trying to find a suitable lounging arrangement before we found that couch. We had everything from bean bags to ‘captain chairs’, and a 2-seater leather couch. Until we decided we needed a better seating arrangement if a baby was coming and my arse was going to be attached to it firmly for awhile. We spent months traipsing from store to store in San Diego until we found a random furniture shop in Mira Mesa San Diego* and fell in love with the couch. I still remember the guy who sold it to us. He convinced us not to get a sleeper couch, as he rightly pointed out, that it’s not worth it. It’s better to go with a  comfortable couch and buy an air mattress, than what it would be to get to get a slightly less comfortable sleeper couch you’ll probably use 3 times a year.  Good advice.
So we were sad to see it go, but we are glad our friends have the couch (along with our chairs, some shelves, dresser, stool, tent, sleeping pads, other camping gear…. most of our house really.)
Thanks super comfy couch, you were awesome, we miss you. Our camping chairs, although useful, are not nearly as comfortable.
*Since I like my little post script stories. Mira Mesa is where the Marine Corps are based, where Top Gun was filmed. Also the location of me driving down the I15 and seeing those fighter jets flying overhead, so close I could see the pilots. I squealed very loudly with excitement every time I saw them. Fighter jets are super cool, one of my favourite things about San Diego.

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Alice Rae-Flick

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