Kids Learning Scotland

On the Corner was a great place to hang out in Glasgow

On the Corner in Glasgow down the street from our apartment

We are in Seville now, and I’ll do another post soon (so much to say!) but just wanted to do a quick post about On the Corner, a great place to hang out in Glasgow.

Funding for programs like this center is very sporadic in Scotland, in general, so every year is a challenge, so this post is a thank you to On the Corner for basically hosting us most of the week with sweet activities, food, and good times! We did facepainting for halloween and made musical instruments (shakers) using paper plates and rice; I used to love doing that.

Here’s some snaps of the fun:

Lennox and Dad with painted faces at On the Corner Alpha with her face painted at On the Corner

On the Corner inspired us to seek out free activities in our neighborhood, and we found Pilmeny Youth Group in Edinburgh and made some good friends there too at the Tuesday Kid’s Club. This tradition will continue because the kids love it.

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Nathaniel Flick

One reply on “On the Corner was a great place to hang out in Glasgow”

Excellent painted faces. Of course those faces are pretty amazing even without paint. Love and hugs MC

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