Countries Europe Kids Latvia Travel

After Estonia we're going to….

After Estonia
A. Hungary
B. Belgium
C. Greece
D. All of the above.
Thanks to we have a housesit assignment with a Briard dog called Muze in….. Belgium!
We had talked about Greece, we were about to pull the trigger on Hungary, but in a random “How about Belgium?” moment, I looked up housesitting assignments and applied for one in Belgium and what do you know, we were chosen! So all the hard work put into choosing the right housesitting service and photos, profile writing and re-writing, references (thanks guys), and being glued to my email for a little while, paid off and we couldn’t be more thrilled.
The kids are super excited by Muze, I’m excited by a rent free option and that the ‘system works’, and Nat is happy to be in the land of Belgium beer, having a dog and being close to Amsterdam and Paris (so am I).
Oh, did I mention the house? I can’t quite believe it, because, well, it’s impressive! I know you’ll be used to us working with whatever’s thrown our way, but this house (at least as advertised) has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a fitness room!  I know, right?! Plus the owners have been wonderful to deal with, so I’m very happy.
This is exactly why we haven’t planned every minute of this trip, because you never know what’s going to come up. Belgium wasn’t on the list of ‘must’ countries, but I’m excited to get there, hang with Mu, and see what Belgium has to offer.
Ok let’s address the elephant shall we? Yes, it’s near Brussels (20 minutes out). Yes, the chances are high that we will fly into Brussels airport. Nat and I are ok with that, we’re not worried about terrorist attacks. I’m more concerned with being “Glutened” everywhere we go. That’s a much bigger issue for us than an arbitrary attack. So please don’t worry.
We’ve thought about it, we know there’s a possibility, but we also know that the chances are low. If the worst case scenario happened, well, we’ll deal with that if we have to.
So where after Belgium? Our assignment is until the 24th August and we need to leave the Schengen area by the 28th. So it looks like we’ll head to Scotland! But WOW, rent is expensive, I hadn’t expected that. So we’ll definitely be looking for house sitting gigs there, especially as the plan is to be there for 3 months. But that might have to change.
I have to say, I am already looking forward to going into a supermarket and being able to read labels!
Ok, I said I’d talk about food and I will, I also need to talk about the kids here too….
If there’s anything you want to know about Riga so far, ask away. It got COLD today, really cold. I tend to think when the wind comes rolling in, is “If this is spring, what’s winter like?”
I know I should work, but it’s Friday night, and we got an amazing housesitting assignment!

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Alice Rae-Flick

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4 replies on “After Estonia we're going to….”

Congratulations!!! Belgium is a wonderful place and you’ll go crazy for the chocolate. I’m jealous about your time in Scotland. Perhaps a trip up to Culloden… Missing you and cheering you on at the same time.

Sounds Fantastic! Don’t eat too much choc. Sunday am and cat looking at laptop (he’ll get over it). Good that the labels will be legible (use the translator on the pod). Love from New Zealand.

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