Spain Travel

Me encanta Sevilla – I love Seville part three

Ah Seville. I wish there was some way I could really express what you mean to me. Oh well, photos will have to do! One thing that has been very cool is getting lots of Spanish practice in. Most of the time, not all, but the conversation just flows and the other person doesn’t try […]

Spain Travel

Me encanta Sevilla – I love Seville part two

Seville with a quick trip to Cordoba We did lots of wandering around Seville in between working and schooling the kids. We are following the NZ school year and so around 16 December we had the annual “Prize Giving” to commemorate the end of the school year. The kids rolled their eyes a little bit, […]

Kids Learning Spain Travel

La Sagrada Familia – the little knight on the door

When we went to La Sagrada Familia, the church in Barcelona by Gaudi, I saw on the doors there was a small knight. We didn’t know the name of the knight but he certainly looked crazy! We liked the doors at the entrance because they were covered in letters, words in Spanish from the Bible, […]

Countries Spain Travel

Me encanta Sevilla – I love Seville part one

We were in Edinburgh, Scotland for November but said goodbye and went to Seville for December. Our time in Seville was magical! I studied Spanish at university but never got to study abroad, so it’s been that long, so arriving in Seville was a dream come true. To be perfectly honest, at first I didn’t […]

Scotland Travel

Travel update for the next three months

We’ve changed travel plans. Originally we were going to spend 3 months in Spain but we’ve changed out minds, due to the uncertainty of immigration officers and their understanding of the Bilateral Agreement. It’s not Spain we’re worried about, it’s out next move to Italy which would enact that rule and we’ve heard dodgy things […]