Europe Kids Norway Travel

Zombie Babies and the Banana Buffet

“Zombie, wahh waah” Zooooombie. Alpha, let’s play Zombie Babies.” “No, we’re at a Banana Buffet and we can eat all the banana’s we want.” Say’s Alpha in reply. That’s at 2am on Friday morning. Yes, 2am! The kids are restless, it’s hot outside and the kids are being very noisy. I’m sure the neighbours hated […]

Kids Norway Travel

LAX to Norway

I’m sitting in LAX waiting for the check-in counter to open, while Nat is doing yet another circuit of the airport with the kids. There is going to be a long wait, but I’m ok with that. Because we made it! Holy crap we made it. It was a proud moment putting the ‘To Do’ […]

Kids Travel USA

It's a world tour, not a pleasure cruise

Travelling, working and schooling the kids is hard work. But most people think we are on a pleasure cruise.

Kids New Zealand Travel

Bring on the barfing!

We drove around and around. “I’m bored & hungry,” I whined. “We’re going to Ezi Car Rentals then the airport!” whispered mum. “YAY!” I yelled. 4 hours later we boarded the airplane to fly to the USA. On the 6 hour point I felt groggy (don`t listen, read etc Mrs B-L ) then I barfed. […]

Kids Travel

PiMLeSSS and the art of being a teacher.

Being a teacher to your own kids is tough. I knew the first week or two would be tough, but the going consensus is that it’s a month of hell!  I taught the first day and it bloody well nearly killed me! We got about 2-hours in and I just stopped it. We all went […]