Kids Learning Scotland

On the Corner was a great place to hang out in Glasgow

We are in Seville now, and I’ll do another post soon (so much to say!) but just wanted to do a quick post about On the Corner, a great place to hang out in Glasgow. Funding for programs like this center is very sporadic in Scotland, in general, so every year is a challenge, so […]

Kids Learning Scotland

Stirling Castle

This past weekend we made a trip 40 miles north of Glasgow to Stirling Castle, in Stirling, Scotland. Stirling Castle did not disappoint! It has a rich history and has protected access to the Highlands for centuries, and through battles with Britain and changing Scottish ownership it’s seen its share of success and destruction. Check […]

Kids Learning Scotland Travel

The structure of Stirling Castle

I went to Stirling Castle. i got a big shock because the castle was so old. i liked how the deer hound could sleep with the king.

Kids Scotland

The Park In Glasgow Green

We found a park in Glasgow Green. They have 4 big slides and a flying fox (that is vveerryy sssllooowww). On the slides we do reindeer, I put my legs over his shoulders and hold his hoody for reins. We go wizzing faster than the speed of light then whoomp we touch down. Let’s do […]

Kids Learning Scotland Travel

6 Animals and a View

It’s about that time where we’re settling into the new routine of life in a different house. We arrived here on the 30th August, but we didn’t take over the house ourselves until the 2nd, so that’s right on 10 days of settling in. Two Dogs and 4 Cats We’re looking after 2 Scottish Terriers […]