Estonia Kids Travel

Tallinn is a city with many stories to tell

Yikes we’ve been here three weeks and I’ve not written a thing once. My family probably thinks we’ve gone off the grid! Sorry family. We live on Suur Ameerika 37 which is a very busy road but we’re five floors up and away from the street so it’s actually pretty quiet. The sweet sounds of […]

Daily Estonia Kids Travel

Exploring Tallinn’s Old Town and Telleskivi

Thunder! Lightning! It happens nearly every day here. No wonder the most powerful God in pagan religions is the God of thunder. Here’s another daily from Saturday and Sunday this week in Tallinn. We had an awesome tour on Friday but we wanted to go back and see a bit more on our own so […]

Daily Estonia Latvia Travel

The drive from Riga to Tallinn has lots of trees

Our first week in Tallinn has passed, and we’ve done our obligatory free Old Town tour (like we did in Riga) to get to know the city a little bit. Mission accomplished. We arrived on Monday pretty worn out but full of great information from Chris our van tour guide. What a great guy and […]

Daily Latvia Travel

Two days left in Latvia

I feel so conflicted knowing there’s only one and a half days left here in Riga. Today has been a bit of a sick/rest day, poor Lennox is in bed already and it’s only 5pm, little trooper. I did get to go to Wood Religion, couldn’t get in as a walk-in yesterday so booked myself […]

Europe Latvia Travel

Jurmala, and how to feed a family with food needs

Say it with me, “Yur-malla”. Latvian and Spanish are quite similar languages in that you never say a ‘J’ like “jump”, it’s always “yuh”. That aside we had a rough Saturday, we slept in and realised we couldn’t go sightseeing outside of town so we decided Sunday we’d go to Jurmala and that Akvaparks Alice […]