Food is much harder to deal with than we thought. I am happy that we have and indoor market (farmer’s market style) that we can walk to in about 7 minutes. That’s super important because we are living on cucumbers, tomatoes, pickles (mmmmm, man the pickles!), eggs, potatoes and whatever meat we can figure out how […]
Author: Alice Rae-Flick
A. Hungary B. Belgium C. Greece D. All of the above. Thanks to we have a housesit assignment with a Briard dog called Muze in….. Belgium! We had talked about Greece, we were about to pull the trigger on Hungary, but in a random “How about Belgium?” moment, I looked up housesitting assignments and […]
We’ve been in Latvia for just over 24 hours and you think Norway would still be fresh in my mind, but it’s amazing how fast things get displaced when you need to make room for the urgent and important… i.e. how to buy food and how to get into our apartment. Before we get lost […]
“Zombie, wahh waah” Zooooombie. Alpha, let’s play Zombie Babies.” “No, we’re at a Banana Buffet and we can eat all the banana’s we want.” Say’s Alpha in reply. That’s at 2am on Friday morning. Yes, 2am! The kids are restless, it’s hot outside and the kids are being very noisy. I’m sure the neighbours hated […]
I’m sitting in LAX waiting for the check-in counter to open, while Nat is doing yet another circuit of the airport with the kids. There is going to be a long wait, but I’m ok with that. Because we made it! Holy crap we made it. It was a proud moment putting the ‘To Do’ […]